Monday, March 5, 2012

Healthy Pizza base

I have forgotten where we found this recipe, but it is a time tested one. We have made so many pizza's using this recipe.
1 tbsp Sugar / Honey (havent tested it with honey)
1 1/4 cups warm water
1/4 ounce dry yeast
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour (maida)
2 cups flour (atta)
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup olive oil

Dissolve sugar in warm water, add yeast. Keep for 15-20 min till the liquid starts frothing.
Combine yeast liquid, 2 cups flour (atta) and 1 cup all purpose flour (maida) (keep the 1/4 cup for use during kneading)
Knead till dough is no longer sticking to your fingers
Allow to rise - 45 min to an hour. The dough should rise to double. What we do is preheat the oven to 40 deg C and then put it off and keep the dough inside. It hasn't failed to rise till now.
Roll into whatever size pizza's you want. If you want it thicker or thinner it is up to you. After rolling, keep aside for a little while for it to rise a bit. then keep it inside the refrigerator.
Dough rolled out with Cheese filled on the sides

Regular pizza rolled out

For making the pizza -
Pre-heat the oven to 230 deg C. (pizzas are best baked at the hottest setting for shortest time)
grease the plate / pie tin and put the rolled out base on it, use a fork to make holes all over (to let the air escape when baking, else it will fluff up like a chappati). Bake (convection) at 230 deg C for 4-5 min. Once you see it firm up on the outside, you can take it out. This is not a necessary step, however we feel that it helps prevent the pizza from getting soggy when you put the sauce on top.

Take it out, allow to cool a little, put the sauce and toppings and bake once again at 230 deg C for 10-12 min (the time varies depending on the thickness of the pizza)
Toppings of garden fresh cherry tomatoes, olives, onions, bell pepper, cheddar and mozzarella cheese

The pizza is ready!!

Garden fresh veggie bonanza just before it went into the oven

Garden fresh veggie bonanza is now ready!!

Pizza sauce(s) and filling ideas coming up... keep watching this space.


Reetika said...

Thank you. This time I will surely try before time flies ��

Reetika said...

Thank you so much

Lakshmi Bhat said...

Tried this pizza today.It came out really well.Thanks Mitali for this wonderful healthy base recipe

Hobbes said...

Thank you so much Lakshmi! Glad you liked it